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Name Markell

Meaning:dedicated to Mars (the Roman god of war)Tools:

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About the name Markell in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Marcell, Mariell, Markel, Marzell, Darnell, Darrell, Marcel, Marcela, Marcella, Marcelle     Details
Group info:

About Mark/Marcella, the group of names with the same origin as Markell

Meaning/translation:dedicated to Mars (the Roman god of war)
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:one of the few classical Roman given names (praenomen)
 this name was traditionally given to boys born in the month of March
 known from Saint Mark, evangelist (author of the second Gospel)
Topics:New Testament, Roman given name, Roman mythology
Variants' top ranks:1:Marco Greenland 2020,  1:Mark Estonia 2023,  1:Marks Latvia 2022,  1:Markas Lithuania 2023,  2:Marc Belgium 2013,  2:Marko Montenegro 2011,  2:Markuss Latvia 2014,  5:Markus Germany/West 1980,  6:Marcos Madrid 2005,  9:Marcus Sweden 1998
Somehow related to:Marcel, Marcio/Marcia, Mars, Martin/Martina
Old/original forms:Marcus Latin, Martkos Latin
Name variants:Marcela, Marcella, Marcelle, Marc, Marcas, Marco, Marcos, Marcus, Marek, Mark, Márk, Markas, Markel, Markell, Markku, Marko, Márkó, Markos, Marks, Markus, Markuss, Marlin, Marlon   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Markell

USA yearlyGraph2005 984,  1999 958,  1998 906,  1997 964,  1995 836,  1994 830