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Name Gabriel

Meaning:strong man of God, hero of God; God is my heroTools:

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Name info:

About the name Gabriel in particular

Languages of use:English
Topics:Male and female
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Gabriel, Gabríel, Gabriela, Gabriele, Gabriele, Gabriele, Gabrieli, Gabrijel, Sabriel, Abdiel     Details
Group info:

About Gabriel/Gabriele, the group of names with the same origin as Gabriel

Meaning/translation:strong man of God, hero of God; God is my hero
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin, male:in the Bible Gabriel is one of the archangels; in the New Testament he announces the birth of Jesus to Maria
Words:geber = the man, the strong man  Hebrew
 el = God, the powerful  Hebrew
Topics:New Testament, Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Gabriel Switzerland/French 2021,  1:Eeli Finland/Finnish 2018,  1:Gabrieli Georgia 2018,  1:Gabrielle Jamaica 2011,  4:Gabriele Lithuania 2008,  5:Gabriele Lithuania 2011,  5:Gabriela Bulgaria 2015,  6:Gabriella Jamaica 2017,  6:Gabriele Italy 2011,  7:Gábor Hungary 2014
Old/original forms:Gabriyel Hebrew
Name variants:Abrielle, Aubriella, Aubrielle, Briella, Brielle, Gabi, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gabriele, Gabriele, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Gabrielly, Gaby, Jella, Biel, Djibril, Eeli, Gábor, Gabriel, Gabríel, Gabriele, Gabrieli, Gabrielius, Gabriello, Gabrijel, Gabryl, Gavril, Jibril, Kaapo   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Gabriel

USA decades 1990-1999 964
USA yearlyGraph2001 932,  2000 7821999 784,  1998 827,  1997 787,  1996 869,  1995 850,  1994 789,  1993 832