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Name Mona

Origin:From Latin words for hermit, monk and advise, warnTools:

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About the name Mona in particular

Languages of use:German, Scandinavian
Is short form of:Monika
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Mona, Iona, Jona, Jona, Jóna, Lona, Lona, Mana, Mina, Mina     Details
Group info:

About Monica, the group of names with the same origin as Mona

Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin:meaning and origin not known for sure
 sometimes said to derive from Latin monachus (monk)
 in the Middle Ages seen as connected to Latin monere (to advise) and meaning advisor
 known from Saint Monica, the mother of Saint Augustine, a father of the church (4th century AD)
 because Saint Monica came from Carthage in Northern Africa the name could also be of North African/Phoenician origin
Words:monachus = the hermit, the monk  Latin
 monere = to advise, to warn  Latin
Topics:New Testament
Variants' top ranks:3:Monika Germany 2005,  3:Monique Belgium 2013,  10:Mónica Ecuador 2013,  19:Mónika Hungary 2014,  24:Monica Sweden 2014
Name variants:Mengia, Mona, Moni, Monica, Mónica, Monika, Mónika, Monique   Sortable list   Details