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Name Maura

Meaning:the one from Mauritania, the MoorTools:

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About the name Maura in particular

Languages of use:German, Italian
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Aura, Laura, Mabra, Maira, Mara, Mara, Mauro, Mayra, Afra, Amaira     Details
Group info:

About Maurice/Maura, the group of names with the same origin as Maura

Meaning/translation:the one from Mauritania, the Moor
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:originally a Roman cognomen Mauricius with the meaning the one from Mauritania or the Moor
 known from Saint Maurice, a Christian Roman soldier from Egypt (4th century AD)
Words:maurus = dark skinned  Latin
Topics:Geographic name, Roman nickname
Variants' top ranks:4:Moritz Zurich 2016,  23:Morris Netherlands 2022,  34:Maurice Belgium 2020,  36:Mauricio Mexico 2009,  42:Mauro Belgium 2010,  181:Maurin Switzerland/German 2016,  332:Maurus Switzerland 1997,  419:Maurine France 2002,  428:Maurizio Switzerland 1997,  546:Maurane Switzerland 1997
Old/original forms:Mauricius Latin
Name variants:Maura, Maurane, Maurine, Maurice, Mauricio, Maurilio, Maurin, Mauritius, Mauritz, Maurizio, Mauro, Maurus, Morice, Moritz, Moriz, Morris   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Maura

Switzerland 1997 684
USA decades 1990-1999 763
USA yearlyGraph2006 913,  2005 812,  2004 738,  2003 781,  2002 783,  2001 674,  2000 747,  1999 727,  1998 682,  1997 6201996 697,  1995 696,  1994 705,  1993 695
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