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Name Madelaine

Meaning:of MagdalaTools:

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About the name Madelaine in particular

Languages of use:German
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Madelane, Madeleine, Madeline, Adelaide, Adélaïde, Adeline, Madlaina, Madleine     Details
Group info:

About Magdalena, the group of names with the same origin as Madelaine

Meaning/translation:of Magdala
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:in the Bible Maria Magdalene is a disciple of Jesus
 she was called thus because she was from the town of Magdala on the sea of Galilee
 the name of the city derives from the Hebrew/Aramaic word for tower
Words:migdal = the tower  Hebrew
Topics:Geographic name, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:3:Malin Norway 1998,  8:Lene Denmark 2015,  8:Madalina Moldova 2015,  10:Alena Czechia 2015,  11:Magdalena Munich 2014,  13:Madalena Portugal 2022,  18:Magdolna Hungary 2014,  34:Malene Denmark 1996,  43:Madeleine Sweden 1998,  50:Madeline USA 1998
Somehow related to:Marielena, Marlene
Name variants:Alena, Alene, Leentje, Lena, Lene, Lenka, Madalena, Madalina, Madalyn, Madalynn, Maddalena, Maddie, Madelaine, Madelane, Madeleine, Madelen, Madelena, Madeline, Madelyn, Madelynn, Madilyn, Madilynn, Madlaina, Madleen, Madleine, Madlen, Madlena, Madlene, Magda, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdolna, Malene, Malin, Malina   Sortable list   Details