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Name Inessa

Meaning:the pure, the chasteTools:

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About the name Inessa in particular

Languages of use:German
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Anessa, Inesa, Iness, Agnessa, Alessa, Anissa, Hessa, Iesha, Ines, Inés     Details
Group info:

About Agnes, the group of names with the same origin as Inessa

Meaning/translation:the pure, the chaste
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:originally the Latinized form of a Greek name Hagne
 soon interpreted as deriving from Latin agnus (lamb) because of the similarity in sound
Words:hagnos = pure, chaste  Old Greek
 agnus = the lamb  Latin
Variants' top ranks:2:Agnes Denmark 2020,  2:Inès France 2012,  5:Agnieszka Poland 2012,  5:Neza Slovenia 2012,  6:Inês Portugal 2007,  10:Ágnes Hungary 2014,  13:Inez Sweden 2022,  15:Anezka Czechia 2018,  23:Inés Madrid 2005,  48:Ines France 2014
Somehow related to:Anson
Old/original forms:Hagne Old Greek
Name variants:Agnes, Agnès, Ágnes, Agnesa, Agnese, Agnessa, Agneta, Agnete, Agnetha, Agnieszka, Agnita, Anessa, Anezka, Anjezë, Ines, Inés, Inès, Inês, Inesa, Iness, Inessa, Inez, Inéz, Nesta, Neza   Sortable list   Details