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Name Ágnes

Meaning:the pure, the chasteTools:

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Name info:

About the name Ágnes in particular

Languages of use:Hungarian
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Agnes, Agnès, Agnesa, Agnese, Abner, Ådne, Aeneas, Agnessa, Agneta, Agnete     Details
Group info:

About Agnes, the group of names with the same origin as Ágnes

Meaning/translation:the pure, the chaste
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:originally the Latinized form of a Greek name Hagne
 soon interpreted as deriving from Latin agnus (lamb) because of the similarity in sound
Words:hagnos = pure, chaste  Old Greek
 agnus = the lamb  Latin
Variants' top ranks:2:Agnes Denmark 2020,  2:Inès France 2012,  5:Agnieszka Poland 2012,  5:Neza Slovenia 2012,  6:Inês Portugal 2007,  10:Ágnes Hungary 2014,  13:Inez Sweden 2022,  15:Anezka Czechia 2018,  23:Inés Madrid 2005,  48:Ines France 2014
Somehow related to:Anson
Old/original forms:Hagne Old Greek
Name variants:Agnes, Agnès, Ágnes, Agnesa, Agnese, Agnessa, Agneta, Agnete, Agnetha, Agnieszka, Agnita, Anessa, Anezka, Anjezë, Ines, Inés, Inès, Inês, Inesa, Iness, Inessa, Inez, Inéz, Nesta, Neza   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Ágnes

HungaryGraph2009 98,  2008 97,  2007 97,  2006 92,  2005 82,  2004 75,  2003 73,  2002 64
Hungary prevalence 2014 10