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Name Filip

Meaning:friend of horsesTools:

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About the name Filip in particular

Languages of use:Scandinavian, Polish, Czech
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Filipa, Filipe, Filipp, Filiz, Fillip, Felipe, Felix, FĂ©lix, Filippa, Filippo     Details
Group info:

About Philip/Philippa, the group of names with the same origin as Filip

Meaning/translation:friend of horses
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:known from Saint Philip, the apostle
 the name element hippos for horse can be traced back to a very ancient Indoeuropean root ekwo
Words:philos = the friend  Old Greek
 hippos = the horse  Old Greek
 ekwo = the horse  Indoeuropean
Topics:12 Apostles, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Philipp Germany/East 1991,  1:Filip Sweden 1998,  2:Felipe Argentina 2018,  4:Philippe France 2011,  16:Philip England+Wales 1954,  18:Filippo Italy 2007,  20:Filippa Sweden 2005,  33:Filipa Portugal 2011,  40:Filipe Portugal 2014,  44:Pippa New Zealand 2013
Old/original forms:Philippos Old Greek, Philippus Latin
Name variants:Filipa, Filippa, Philippa, Philippine, Pippa, Felipe, Filip, Filipe, Filipp, Filippo, Fillip, Phil, Philip, Philipp, Philippe, Phillip, Pippo   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Filip

IrelandGraph2012 76,  2011 80,  2010 712009 87,  2008 95
ScotlandGraph2019 183,  2018 187,  2017 1442016 165,  2015 179,  2014 155,  2013 190,  2012 166,  2011 158,  2010 148,  2009 164,  2008 180
Complete List (17 in Total)