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Name Bärbel

Meaning:the foreignTools:

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Name info:

About the name Bärbel in particular

Languages of use:German
Is diminutive of:Barbara
Topics:Asteroid 4569 Baerbel, discovered 1985
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Bartel, Abel, Ábel, Arbën, Arbër, Arel, Ariel, Ariel, Armel, Arnel     Details
Group info:

About Barbara, the group of names with the same origin as Bärbel

Meaning/translation:the foreign
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin:from a very old word root reaching back to Indoeuropean that echoes the unintelligible speech of foreigners
 known from Saint Barabara of Nicomedia (3th/4th century AD)
Words:barbari = the barbars, the stammering people  Latin
 barbaros = foreign, barbaric  Old Greek
 barbar = the unintelligible speech  Indoeuropean
Topics:14 Holy Helpers, Interesting
Variants' top ranks:2:Barbare Georgia 2014,  4:Barbara USA 1990,  8:Varvara Moscow 2013,  8:Barbora Czechia 2013,  31:Bárbara Chile 2007,  48:Barbro Sweden 2014,  59:Borbála Hungary 2012,  76:Bärbel Germany 2005
Name variants:Babette, Babsi, Barbara, Bárbara, Barbare, Bärbel, Barbora, Barbra, Barbro, Basia, Borbála, Varvara   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Bärbel

Germany prevalence 2005 76