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Name Bartel

Origin:From a Aramaic word for sonTools:

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About the name Bartel in particular

Languages of use:German
Is short form of:Bartholomäus
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Bärbel, Bartek, Arel, Ariel, Ariel, Armel, Arnel, Artem, Barney, Barney     Details
Group info:

About Bartholomäus/Bartolomea, the group of names with the same origin as Bartel

Language of origin:Aramaic
Words:bar = the son  Aramaic
Topics:12 Apostles, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:3:Bartek Warsaw 2008,  5:Bartosz Poland 2008,  5:Mees Netherlands 2022,  5:Nejc Slovenia 2012,  15:Neja Slovenia 2011,  17:Bart Netherlands 1999,  32:Bartlomiej Poland 2009,  73:Bertalan Hungary 2020
Old/original forms:Bartholomaios Old Greek, Bartolmai Aramaic
Name variants:Bartholomäa, Bartolomea, Neja, Barclamiu, Bart, Bartek, Bartel, Bartholomäus, Bartholomeus, Bartholomew, Bartlomiej, Bartolo, Bartolomé, Bartolomeo, Bartosz, Bertalan, Jernej, Mees, Nejc   Sortable list   Details