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Name Ricki

Origin:From Old High German words for rich, powerful, power and brave, hardyTools:

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About the name Ricki in particular

Languages of use:English
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Nicki, Nicki, Rick, Ricky, Rikki, Vicki, Ariki, Dick, Erick, Ericka     Details
Group info:

About Richard/Riccarda, the group of names with the same origin as Ricki

Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin, male:old Germanic two-element name
 the name was brought to England by the Normans
 known as the name of several English kings, e.g. Richard the Lionheart
Words:rihhi = rich, powerful, the power, the ruler  Old High German
 harti = brave, hardy  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:4:Ricardo Jamaica 2008,  5:Richard England+Wales 1974,  5:Rick Netherlands 1999,  8:Riccardo Italy 2021,  8:Ricards Latvia 2023,  24:Richárd Hungary 2002,  34:Ryszard Warsaw 2016,  52:Ricky USA 1960-1969,  53:Rickard Sweden 1999,  66:Rikárdó Hungary 2014
Old/original forms:Richart Old High German, Richeard Old English
Name variants:Ricarda, Riccarda, Ricki, Rikki, Dick, Ricardo, Ricards, Riccardo, Richard, Richárd, Richy, Rick, Rickard, Rickert, Rickey, Ricky, Rico, Rikard, Rikárdó, Ryszard   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Ricki

USA yearlyGraph1995 964,  1994 941