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Name Olly

Origin:From Old High German words for elf and army, warriorTools:

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About the name Olly in particular

Languages of use:English
Is diminutive of:Oliver
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Ally, Dolly, Elly, Holly, Molly, Olle, Polly     Details
Group info:

About Oliver, the group of names with the same origin as Olly

Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin:from the Old French form of a Germanic two-element name, brought to England by the Normans
 the spelling was influenced by the Latin word oliva
 in the medieval French epic La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland, around 1000 AD) Oliver is a friend of Roland
Words:alf = the elf  Old High German
 heri = the army, the warrior  Old High German
 oliva = the olive, the olive tree  Latin
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:1:Oliver Canada/BC 2019,  1:Olivers Latvia 2023,  2:Olivér Hungary 2023,  5:Óliver Iceland 2023,  19:Oliwier Poland 2023,  24:Olivier Netherlands 2022,  25:Ollie Scotland 2020,  27:Ólíver Iceland 2003 to 2007,  86:Olly Scotland 2012
Somehow related to:Olivia, Olve
Old/original forms:Alfheri Old High German, Olivier Old French
Name variants:Oli, Oliver, Olivér, Óliver, Ólíver, Olivers, Olivier, Oliviero, Oliwier, Ollie, Olly   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Olly

ScotlandGraph2021 164,  2020 152,  2019 183,  2018 180,  2017 156,  2016 133,  2015 106,  2014 148,  2013 110,  2012 862011 104,  2010 120