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Name Grigori

Meaning:the watchfulTools:

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About the name Grigori in particular

Languages of use:Russian
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Grigorij, Gregor, Gregoria, Gregorio, Gregory, Grégory     Details
Group info:

About Gregory/Gregoria, the group of names with the same origin as Grigori

Meaning/translation:the watchful
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:late Roman cognomen with a Greek origin
 popular among the early Christians, interpreted as watchfully awaiting the return of Jesus
 in the Middle Ages a very popular name for popes
 until now there were 16 popes with this name
Words:gregoros = watchful, alert  Old Greek
Topics:Popes, Roman nickname
Variants' top ranks:8:Joris Lithuania 2018,  8:Gergö Hungary 2012,  11:Grzegorz Poland 2012,  16:Gregor Estonia 2018,  23:Gregory USA 1960-1969,  38:Gergely Hungary 2003,  61:Greg Scotland 1998,  86:Grégory France 1998,  96:Grégoire France 1998,  195:Gregg USA 1960-1969
Old/original forms:Gregorios Old Greek, Gregorius Latin
Name variants:Gregoria, Jorina, Jorinde, Gergely, Gergö, Gergõ, Greg, Gregg, Grégoire, Gregor, Gregorio, Gregory, Grégory, Grigori, Grigorij, Grischa, Grzegorz, Joris   Sortable list   Details