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Name Eléonore

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Name info:

About the name Eléonore in particular

Languages of use:French
Short forms:Eléa, Lore
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Éléonore, Eleonora, Leonore, Léonore, Eleanor, Eleanora, Leonor, Leonora     Details
Group info:

About Eleonora, the group of names with the same origin as Eléonore

Language of origin:Old Provençal
Info about origin:from an Old Provençal name Alienor which is usually taken to be a variant of Helen
 however the name has probably Germanic roots and contains the name element ali (foreign)
Words:ali = foreign  Germanic
Variants' top ranks:1:Nora Norway 2022,  2:Leonor Portugal 2021,  4:Nóra Hungary 2012,  6:Elli Estonia 2022,  11:Lore Belgium 2009,  12:Loore Estonia 2019,  15:Eleanor USA 2021,  19:Ellinor Norway 2022,  19:Elanur Turkey 2012,  21:Eleonora Italy 2006
Somehow related to:Helen
Old/original forms:Alienor Old Provençal
Name variants:Alienor, Alora, Elanur, Elea, Eléa, Eleah, Eleanor, Eleanora, Eleonora, Eléonore, Éléonore, Elinor, Elli, Ellinor, Elly, Elora, Lenora, Leonor, Leonora, Leonore, Léonore, Leunora, Loore, Lore, Nelli, Nóirín, Noora, Noortje, Nora, Nóra, Norah, Nore, Noreen, Nori, Norina   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Eléonore

BelgiumGraph2022 782020 86,  2019 88,  2018 93,  2017 98,  2016 96,  2015 89
CanadaGraph2022 1472021 158
France 2002 172
Switzerland 1997 582
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