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Name Dany

Meaning:God is my judgeTools:

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About the name Dany in particular

Languages of use:French
Is diminutive of:Danielle
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Dany, Dany, Dagny, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dane     Details
Group info:

About Daniel/Daniela, the group of names with the same origin as Dany

Meaning/translation:God is my judge
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin, male:in the Bible Daniel is an important prophet
Words:dan = the judge  Hebrew
 el = God, the powerful  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Daniel Germany/West 1988,  1:Daan Netherlands 2016,  2:Dániel Hungary 2002,  2:Daníel Iceland 2003 to 2007,  2:Daniels Latvia 2015,  2:Danna Ecuador 2020,  3:Daniela Mexico 2007,  8:Daniel Georgia 2023,  10:Danielius Lithuania 2014,  11:Dani Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020
Old/original forms:Daniyel Hebrew
Name variants:Dana, Dani, Daniek, Daniela, Daniele, Daniella, Danielle, Danijela, Danila, Danique, Danna, Danuse, Dany, Dany, Danyelle, Daan, Dan, Dani, Danial, Daniel, Daniel, Daniël, Daníel, Dániel, Daniele, Danielius, Danielo, Daniels, Daniil, Daniil, Danijel, Danil, Danil, Danila, Danilo, Danny, Dany, Danyal   Sortable list   Details