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Name Cristóbal

Meaning:carrying ChristTools:

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About the name Cristóbal in particular

Languages of use:Spanish
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Cristobal, Christóbal, Cristal, Cristovão     Details
Group info:

About Christoph, the group of names with the same origin as Cristóbal

Meaning/translation:carrying Christ
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:widespread in the Middle Ages in reverence for Saint Christopher (3rd century), patron saint of travellers and one of the 14 Holy Helpers
Words:christos = the sanctified, the anointed  Old Greek
 pherein = to bear, to carry  Old Greek
Topics:14 Holy Helpers, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Christopher England+Wales 1984,  2:Krzysztof Poland 2012,  4:Kristófer Iceland 2010,  5:Kristofer Estonia 2018,  6:Cristóbal Chile 2012,  6:Hristo Bulgaria 2011,  9:Christophe France 2011,  13:Kristóf Hungary 2015,  14:Christoph Austria/Vienna 2000,  16:Krystof Czechia 2017
Old/original forms:Christophoros Old Greek, Christophorus Latin
Name variants:Chris, Christóbal, Christof, Christofer, Christoff, Christoffer, Christoph, Christophe, Christopher, Cristobal, Cristóbal, Cristofer, Cristoforo, Cristopher, Cristovão, Hristo, Kris, Kristof, Kristóf, Kristofer, Kristófer, Kristoffer, Kristopher, Krisztofer, Krystof, Krysztof, Krzysztof, Risto   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Cristóbal

ChileGraph2021 22,  2020 18,  2016 11,  2015 11,  2014 11,  2013 10,  2012 62011 7,  2010 7,  2009 7,  2008 9,  2007 9