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Name Vic

Meaning:the victorTools:

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About the name Vic in particular

Languages of use:English
Is short form of:Victor
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Nic, Vico, Vid     Details
Group info:

About Victor/Victoria, the group of names with the same origin as Vic

Meaning/translation, female:victory
Meaning/translation, male:the victor
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, female:in Roman Mythology the name of the winged goddess of victory
 famous as the name of Queen Victoria of England (19th/20th century)
Info about origin, male:used as a title of Hercules and Jupiter
 until now there were 3 Popes with the name Victor
Words:victor = the victor  Latin
 victoria = the victory  Latin
Topics:Popes, Roman mythology
Variants' top ranks:1:Victoria Puerto Rico 2017,  1:Viktória Hungary 2002,  2:Victor Denmark 2016,  2:Wiktoria Poland 2008,  2:Viktorija Latvia 2009,  2:Viktorie Czechia 2022,  4:Viktor Sweden 2000,  5:Vittoria Italy 2022,  6:Víctor Peru 2015,  6:Viktoría Iceland 2014
Somehow related to:Fitore, Victorien, Victorino/Victorina, Vittorio
Old/original forms:Victoria Latin, Victor Latin
Name variants:Tori, Vicki, Vickie, Vicky, Victoire, Victoria, Victória, Viktoria, Viktoría, Viktória, Viktorie, Viktorija, Viktoriya, Viktorya, Vitória, Vittoria, Wiktoria, Vic, Vico, Victor, Víctor, Viktor, Vítor, Vittore, Viturin, Wiktor   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Vic

BelgiumGraph2022 40,  2021 32,  2020 29,  2019 242018 27,  2017 31,  2016 39,  2015 42,  2014 44,  2013 45,  2012 58,  2011 63,  2010 68,  2009 100