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Name Tena

Meaning:maybe the hunteressTools:

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About the name Tena in particular

Languages of use:Serbo-Croatian
Is diminutive of:Terezija
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Ena, Jena, Lena, Lena, Léna, Nena, Rena, Tea, Teja, Tina     Details
Group info:

About Teresio/Theresa, the group of names with the same origin as Tena

Meaning/translation:maybe the hunteress
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, female:origin not known for sure, maybe from Greek ther (game, animal to be hunted) and thus with a meaning hunteress
 Therasia is the name of a small island beside Thera (today Santorin)
 thus the name sometimes is said to mean woman from Therasia
Words:ther = the animal, the game (in the sense of animal for hunt)  Old Greek
Topics:Geographic name
Variants' top ranks:1:Tess Netherlands 2013,  1:Tereza Czechia 2010,  11:Teresa Poland 2012,  11:Tracy England+Wales 1964,  12:Theresa Munich 2012,  12:Terezinha Brazil 2013,  16:Tena Croatia 2022,  20:Tessa Netherlands 2001,  30:Therese Sweden 2014,  64:Terri USA 1960-1969
Name variants:Resi, Tena, Teresa, Teresia, Tereza, Terezija, Terezinha, Teri, Terri, Terry, Tess, Tessa, Tessie, Tessy, Theres, Theresa, Therese, Thérèse, Theresia, Tracy, Teresio   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Tena

CroatiaGraph2022 162018 22,  2017 22