Meaning: | the Roman | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Romain in particular | |
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Group info: About Roman/Romana, the group of names with the same origin as Romain | Meaning/translation: | the Roman |
Language of origin: | Latin |
Info about origin, male: | known from Saint Romanus, bishop of Rouen (7th century AD) |
Words: | romanus = the resident of Rome Latin |
Topics: | Roman nickname |
Variants' top ranks: | 11:Romain France 2005, 14:Romane France 2008, 16:Roman Moscow 2014, 22:Roman Czechia 2015, 413:Romana Switzerland 1997, 447:Romano Switzerland 1997, 655:Rome USA 2022 |
Somehow related to: | Roma |
Name variants: | Romaine, Romana, Romane, Romain, Roman, Roman, Román, Romano, Romão, Rome Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Romain | Series | Graph | Rankings |
Belgium | Graph | 2017 98, 2016 76, 2015 73, 2014 92, 2013 64, 2012 49, 2011 47, 2010 30, 2009 33, 2008 36, 2007 36, 2006 24, 2005 16, 2004 14 |
Belgium prevalence | | 2013 112 |
France | Graph | 2014 93, 2013 75, 2012 55, 2011 54, 2010 47, 2009 43, 2008 32, 2007 25, 2006 30, 2005 11, 2004 12, 2003 15, 2002 15, 2001 19, 2000 14, 1999 14, 1998 14, 1997 14 |
Switzerland | | 1997 82 |
Switzerland/French | Graph | 2015 44, 2012 40, 2010 37, 2009 26, 2008 17 |
Sort by Rank Sort by Year |
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