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Name Lusia

Meaning:the bright; born at daybreakTools:

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About the name Lusia in particular

Languages of use:German
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Lucia, Lucía, Lúcia, Luzia, Alesia, Alysia, Asia, Assia, Basia, Büsra     Details
Group info:

About Lucius/Lucia, the group of names with the same origin as Lusia

Meaning/translation:the bright; born at daybreak
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:in Roman times a very popular given name, a praenomen
 derived from lux (light), can thus be interpreted as to mean the bright or born at daybreak
 Lucianus is a derivation of Lucius
 until now there were 3 popes with the name Lucius
Words:lux = the light  Latin
Topics:Popes, Roman given name
Variants' top ranks:1:Lucía Spain 2023,  1:Luciana Colombia 2020,  1:Lucija Croatia 2012,  3:Lucy Scotland 2007,  3:Luca Hungary 2023,  7:Lucie Belgium 2014,  15:Luciano Chile 2020,  21:Lucia Argentina 2014,  23:Lucja Warsaw 2016,  48:Lucian Romania 2009
Somehow related to:Luz
Old/original forms:Lucia Latin, Lucilla Latin, Lucianus Latin, Lucius Latin
Name variants:Luca, Luce, Luci, Lucia, Lucía, Lúcia, Luciana, Luciane, Lucie, Lucienne, Lucija, Lucijana, Lucila, Lucile, Lucilla, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucja, Lucy, Lula, Lusia, Luzia, Luzie, Lucian, Luciano, Lucien, Lucio, Lucius, Lucjan, Lux, Luzian, Luzius   Sortable list   Details