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Name Lukacs

Meaning:from LucaniaTools:

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About the name Lukacs in particular

Languages of use:Hungarian
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Lukas, Lukás, Lucas, Luka, Lukasz, Luukas     Details
Group info:

About Luke, the group of names with the same origin as Lukacs

Meaning/translation:from Lucania
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:Lucania is a region in Southern Italy; its name maybe derives from Old Greek leucos (bright, white)
 known from Saint Luke, the evangelist
Words:leucos = bright, white  Old Greek
Topics:Geographic name, New Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Lucas Canada/BC 2016,  1:Luca Switzerland 1997,  1:Lukas Germany 1998,  1:Luka Slovenia 2023,  4:Luuk Netherlands 2015,  4:Lukás Czechia 2015,  5:Luc Belgium 2013,  7:Luke Ireland 2018,  13:Lukasz Poland 2012,  21:Lucca Brazil 2022
Somehow related to:Lucano
Old/original forms:Loukas Old Greek, Lucas Latin
Name variants:Loek, Louka, Luc, Luca, Lucas, Lucca, Luka, Lukacs, Lukas, Lukás, Lukasz, Luke, Luuk, Luukas   Sortable list   Details