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Name Liesa

Meaning:My God is abundance; My God has sworn Tools:

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About the name Liesa in particular

Languages of use:German
Is short form of:Elisabeth
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Liepa, Liese, Liisa, Lisa, Litsa, Ailsa, Aliena, Alisa, Alisa, Alissa     Details
Group info:

About Elizabeth, the group of names with the same origin as Liesa

Meaning/translation:My God is abundance; My God has sworn
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:meaning not known for sure
 2 interpretations are common, with the second name element either derived from sheba (seven) or from shaba (oath):
 My God is seven with the number seven as symbol for abundance, thus My God is abundance
 or My God has sworn
 in the Bible Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptist
Words:el = God, the powerful  Hebrew
 sheba = seven  Hebrew
 shaba = the oath  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Lisa Germany/West 1991,  1:Elsa Sweden 2015,  1:Eliska Czechia 2023,  2:Elisabeth Austria 2015,  2:Elizabeth Paraguay 2014,  2:Lilly Sweden 2016,  2:Eliise Estonia 2015,  2:Erzsébet Hungary 2014,  3:Elise Belgium 2014,  4:Lili Hungary 2014
Somehow related to:Isabella, Isaline, Lilian
Old/original forms:Elisheba Hebrew
Name variants:Alzbeta, Bessie, Bessy, Beth, Bethan, Bethli, Bethzy, Betina, Betje, Betsy, Betta, Bettina, Betty, Eliise, Elis, Elisa, Elísa, Elisabet, Elísabet, Elisabeth, Elísabeth, Elisabetha, Elisabetta, Elisabettina, Elisaveta, Elischeba, Elise, Élise, Eliska, Elissa, Eliza, Elizabet, Elizabeta, Elizabete, Elizabeth, Elizaveta, Elouise, Els, Elsa, Elsbeth, Else, Elsi, Elsie, Elyssa, Elza, Elzbieta, Erzsébet, Ilse, Libby, Liesa, Liesbeth, Lieschen, Liese, Liesel, Liezel, Liisa, Lili, Lilli, Lilly, Lis, Lisa, Lisbeth, Lise, Lisette, Liska, Lison, Lissette, Lissy, Liz, Liza, Lizbeth, Lize, Lizeth, Lizette, Lizi, Lizzie, Lizzy, Lysa, Sabeth, Sissi, Sissy, Spela, Yelizaveta   Sortable list   Details