Group info: About Jocelyn, the group of names with the same origin as Jocelynn | Language of origin: | Old French |
Info about origin: | originally Gautzelin, a name derived from the name of the Germanic tribe of the Gauts, by double diminuation |
| brought from France to England by the Normans as Joscelin |
| originally predominantly male, today mainly used as a female name |
Words: | gaut = the gaut (member of the Germanic tribe of the Gauts) Old French |
Topics: | Words |
Variants' top ranks: | 50:Jocelyn USA 2007, 59:Yoselin Mexico 2008, 79:Joselyn Mexico 2011, 513:Jocelyne USA 1996, 631:Joslyn USA 2011, 713:Jocelynn USA 2010, 755:Joselin USA 2007, 968:Joseline USA 2007 |
Somehow related to: | Josselin |
Old/original forms: | Gautzelin Old French, Joscelin Old French |
Name variants: | Joceline, Jocelyn, Jocelyne, Jocelynn, Josceline, Joselin, Joseline, Joselyn, Joslyn, Yoselin Sortable list Details |
Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Jocelynn | |