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Name Ignazio

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About the name Ignazio in particular

Languages of use:Spanish, Italian
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Ignacio, Ignazia, Ignacia, Ignatia, Ignaz     Details
Group info:

About Ignaz/Ignatia, the group of names with the same origin as Ignazio

Language of origin:Etrusk
Info about origin, male:from a Roman family name Egnatius, maybe of Etrusk origin or derived from Latin ignis (fire)
 known from Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits (15th/16th century AD)
Words:ignis = the fire  Latin
Topics:Roman family name
Variants' top ranks:8:Ignacy Poland 2023,  9:Ignas Lithuania 2010,  11:Ignacio Buenos Aires 2005,  15:Iga Poland 2021,  18:Ignacia Chile 2008,  22:Nace Slovenia 2023,  61:Iñigo Madrid 2000,  91:Iñaki Madrid 1998
Old/original forms:Ignatius Latin
Name variants:Iga, Ignacia, Ignacja, Ignatia, Ignazia, Iggy, Ignace, Ignacio, Ignacy, Ignas, Ignatz, Ignaz, Ignazio, Iñaki, Inigo, Iñigo, Nace   Sortable list   Details