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Name Gritta

Meaning:the pearlTools:

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About the name Gritta in particular

Languages of use:German
Is short form of:Margarete
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Britta, Gitta, Gritt, Arietta, Brita, Britt, Drita, Editta, Gitte, Greta     Details
Group info:

About Margarete, the group of names with the same origin as Gritta

Meaning/translation:the pearl
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:known in the Middle Ages as the name of Saint Margaret of Antioch (3th/4th century AD)
 the greek word margarites might come from a Persian word with the meaning child of light (from a belief that a pearl is a drop of dew transformed by moonlight)
Words:margarites = the pearl  Old Greek
Topics:14 Holy Helpers
Variants' top ranks:1:Margaret England+Wales 1944,  3:Rita Croatia 2023,  3:Megan England+Wales 1998,  4:Marit Norway 2015,  4:Malgorzata Poland 2012,  5:Margareta Sweden 2014,  5:Margarita Mexico 2008,  7:Greta Italy 2014,  7:Margrethe Greenland 2011,  8:Margit Hungary 2014
Name variants:Greta, Gréta, Gretchen, Grete, Gretel, Grethe, Grit, Gritli, Gritt, Gritta, Maarit, Maegan, Maggie, Maggy, Magret, Mairead, Maisie, Maisy, Malgorzata, Marga, Margaret, Margareta, Margarete, Margaretha, Margarethe, Margarida, Margarita, Margaritha, Margaux, Marge, Margery, Margherita, Margie, Margit, Margitta, Margo, Margot, Margret, Margrét, Margrete, Margreth, Margrethe, Margrit, Margrith, Margritha, Margrjet, Marguerite, Marit, Marjorie, Markéta, Märta, Meagan, Meaghan, Meg, Megan, Megane, Meggy, Meghan, Merete, Meta, Peggy, Reta, Rita   Sortable list   Details