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Name Édouard

Meaning:guard of his wealthTools:

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About the name Édouard in particular

Languages of use:French
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Edouard, Eduard, Edoarda, Edoardo, Eduarda, Eduardo, Eduart, Edvard, Edward, Edzard     Details
Group info:

About Edward/Eduarda, the group of names with the same origin as Édouard

Meaning/translation:guard of his wealth
Language of origin:Old English
Info about origin, male:name of 8 subsequent kings of England
 one of the few names with an Old English origin that are used throughout Europe
 e.g. moved from England to France and from there to Germany
Words:ead = the wealth  Old English
 weard = the warden, the guard  Old English
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:1:Eetu Finland/Finnish 2006,  3:Duarte Portugal 2021,  4:Edoardo Italy 2022,  7:Eduardo Mexico 2009,  11:Edward England+Wales 1914,  21:Eduard Romania 2009,  27:Eduart Albania 2008,  31:Eduarda Brazil 2009,  42:Eddy Belgium 2013,  49:Edouard Canada 2022
Somehow related to:Edison
Old/original forms:Eadweard Old English
Name variants:Edoarda, Eduarda, Duarte, Ed, Eddie, Eddy, Edi, Edoardo, Edouard, Édouard, Eduard, Eduardo, Eduart, Edvard, Edward, Eetu, Ted   Sortable list   Details