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Language Hebrew: Names And Words

Description:Hebrew, an old Semitic language, since around 2000 BC, from around 200 AD until the end of the 19th century only used as a written language, later revived as spoken language, today the language of Israel
Family/group:Semitic family
WordLanguageTranslationsName Groups
´alahHebrewto ascend, to go upAliyah
abHebrewthe fatherAbigail, Abner, Abraham, Abram, Ahab, Axel/Axelle
achHebrew Ahab, Joah
achazHebrew Achaz
adahHebrewthe ornament, the decorationAdah
adamHebrewthe man, the human beingAdam/Adamina
adamahHebrewthe red earthAdam/Adamina
adonaiHebrewthe lord, the rulerAdonis/Adonia
aharonHebrewthe enlightenedAaron
aliyahHebrewthe ascentAliyah
alizaHebrewcheerful, joyfulAliza
amasHebrewto carryAmos
anahHebrewthe answerAnah/Anah
anathHebrewthe answerAnath
apharHebrew Aphra
aqabHebrewto supplant, to cheatJacob/Jacqueline/Jakoba
aqebHebrewthe heelJacob/Jacqueline/Jakoba
aramHebrewthe highlandAram
ariyHebrewthe lionAreli/Areli, Ari, Ariel/Ariela
armownHebrewthe castleArmon
asaHebrewthe doctor, the healerAsa
asherHebrewhappy, blessedAsher
atarahHebrewthe crownAtarah
avivHebrewthe springAviv/Aviva
azarHebrewto helpAzariah/Azariah, Azriel, Lazarus
ba´alHebrew Beulah
bathHebrewthe daughterBathsheba, Bithiah
beitHebrewthe houseBelén, Bethany
benHebrewthe sonBenjamin/Beniamina, Ruben
chananHebrewto be graciousJohn/Johanna
channahHebrewthe graceAnna
chayahHebrewliving, to liveChayim/Chaya, Eve
chazaqHebrewstrong, to strengthenEzekiel, Hezekiah
daliyahHebrew Daliah
danHebrewthe judgeDan, Daniel/Daniela
deborahHebrewthe beeDeborah
diynHebrewthe judgementDinah
dodHebrewthe belovedDavid/Davida
ebedHebrewthe servantAbdiel
ebenHebrew Ebenezer
edenHebrewthe pleasureEden/Eden, Edna
ederHebrewthe flock (a group of animals)Adriel
elHebrewGod, the powerfulAbdiel, Adriel, Areli/Areli, Ariel/Ariela, Azriel, Castiel, Daniel/Daniela, Eliam, Eliel, Eliezer, Elijah/Eliane, Elischa/Elisha, Elizabeth, Elkanah, Ezekiel, Gabriel/Gabriele, Isabella, Ishmael, Israel, Joel/Joelle, Lazarus, Manuel/Manuela, Michael/Michaela, Misael, Nathanael, Raphael/Raphaela, Samuel/Samuela, Shirel, Uriel, Zuriel
'elahHebrewthe oakAyla
eliHebrewthe height, the ascensionEli
elonHebrewthe oakElon
enoschHebrew Enos
ephrayimHebrewdoubly fruitfulEphraim
eshHebrewthe fireJoash
ezerHebrewthe helpEbenezer, Eliezer, Ezra/Ezra
gadHebrew Gad
gadaHebrewto cut, to hew (cut, e.g. wood)Gideon
geberHebrewthe man, the strong manGabriel/Gabriele
giylHebrewthe joy, the rejoiceAbigail
gomerHebrew Gomer
hadasHebrewthe myrtle (an evergreen bushy shrub with white flowers), the myrtle tree (an evergreen bushy shrub with white flowers)Hadassah
hamonHebrewthe multitudeAbraham
hayahHebrewto be, to becomeYahweh
hebelHebrewthe breathAbel/Abelina
henokHebrew Enoch
hosheaHebrew Hosea
huldahHebrewthe weaselHuldah
ilanHebrewthe treeIlan/Ilana
issacharHebrew Isachar
jehovaHebrew(the name of God) (name of the one God according to the Old Testament) 
kabadHebrewbe gloriousJochebed
kanahHebrew Elkanah
karmelHebrewthe fruit garden, the fruitful landCarmine/Carmen
kelebHebrewthe dogCaleb
keremHebrewthe vineyardCarmi
keziaHebrewthe cassia (the cinnamon plant)Kezia
koheinHebrewthe priestCohen
la'ahHebrewweary, tiredLeah
lavahHebrewto join toLevi
le'ahHebrewthe wild cowLeah
lechemHebrewthe breadBelén
leviHebrewjoined toLevi
liHebrewmy, mineLital
litithHebrew Lilith
ludHebrewthe strifeLydia
malakHebrewthe messenger, the angelMalachi
manaHebrewto withhold, to restrainTimna
mashahHebrewto anoint 
mattathHebrewthe gift, the rewardMatthias/Mattea
melekHebrewthe kingMelchior
migdalHebrewthe towerMagdalena
miyHebrewwho (question: which person?)Micah/Micah, Michael/Michaela, Misael
morHebrew Myrta
naarahHebrewthe girl, the maidNaarah
nachamHebrewto comfortMenahem, Nahum, Nehemiah
naphtaliHebrew Naphtali
nathanHebrewto giveJonathan, Nathan/Nathania, Nathanael