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Name Suzane


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About the name Suzane in particular

Languages of use:Portuguese
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Suzan, Suzana, Suzanne, Duane, Shane, Sloane, Suhana, Susan, Susana, Susanne     Details
Group info:

About Susanne, the group of names with the same origin as Suzane

Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:from the Greek form Sousanna of a Hebrew name Shoshana with the meaning lily
 the Hebrew word shoshan has Egyptian roots
 known from the story about a falsely accused woman in the Old Testament Apocrypha
Words:shoshan = the lily  Hebrew
 sheshen = the water lily  Egyptian
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Susan England+Wales 1964,  1:Sanne Netherlands 2007,  1:Zuzanna Poland 2022,  7:Susanne Denmark 2015,  7:Zsuzsanna Hungary 2014,  8:Suzana Macedonia 2011,  14:Sanni Finland/Finnish 2009,  15:Susanna Finland 2014,  18:Zuzana Czechia 2012,  34:Suzanne Paris 2021
Old/original forms:Shoshana Hebrew, Sousanna Old Greek
Name variants:Sanna, Sanne, Sanni, Shanna, Sue, Susan, Susana, Susanna, Susanne, Susetta, Susi, Susie, Susy, Suus, Suzan, Suzana, Suzane, Suzanne, Suze, Suzette, Zsuzsanna, Zuzana, Zuzanna   Sortable list   Details