Name info: About the name Rosina in particular | Gender: | female |
Languages of use: | German |
Topics: | Asteroid 985 Rosina, discovered 1922 |
US 2021 rank: | not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below |
Similarly written: | Josina, Robina, Rodina, Romina, Rosine, Rosita, Rozina, Corina, Cosima, Dorina Details |
Group info: About Rose, the group of names with the same origin as Rosina | Meaning/translation: | rose |
Language of origin: | Latin |
Info about origin: | use of the name of the flower as given name |
| the Latin name of the flower probably has Persian roots |
Words: | rosa = the rose Latin |
| vrda = the rose Old Persian |
Topics: | Plants |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Zala Slovenia 2019, 2:Rosa Peru 2015, 6:Rose France 2023, 9:Rosie England+Wales 2020, 14:Rozálie Czechia 2023, 16:Roos Netherlands 2010, 17:Róisín Ireland 1999, 27:Rozália Hungary 2014, 40:Róza Warsaw 2013, 47:Rozalia Warsaw 2016 |
Name variants: | Rois, Róisín, Roos, Roosa, Rosa, Rosalee, Rosalia, Rosalie, Rose, Rosel, Rosella, Rosetta, Rosette, Rosi, Rosie, Rosina, Rosine, Rosita, Roza, Róza, Rozalia, Rozália, Rozálie, Rozalija, Rozina, Zala Sortable list Details |