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Name Oktavian

Meaning:the eighth, born in the eighth monthTools:

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About the name Oktavian in particular

Languages of use:German
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Octavian, Oktavia, Octavia, Ottavia, Ottaviana, Ottaviano, Tavian     Details
Group info:

About Octavius/Octavia, the group of names with the same origin as Oktavian

Meaning/translation:the eighth, born in the eighth month
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:from a Roman family name Octavius, itself derived from a given name (praenomen) Octavus
Words:octavus = eighth (8th, indicating order)  Latin
Topics:Family name, Roman family name, Roman given name
Variants' top ranks:41:Octave Paris 2020,  50:Otávio Brazil 2014,  180:Octavia Canada 2022,  531:Octavio USA 2003
Old/original forms:Octavius Latin, Octavus Latin
Name variants:Octavia, Oktavia, Ottavia, Ottaviana, Octave, Octavian, Octavio, Octavius, Oktavian, Oktavus, Otávio, Ottaviano, Ottavio   Sortable list   Details