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Name Manoel

Meaning:God is with usTools:

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About the name Manoel in particular

Languages of use:Portuguese
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Manel, Manel, Manoela, Manuel, Ancel, Angel, Angel, Ángel, Ansel, Daniel     Details
Group info:

About Manuel/Manuela, the group of names with the same origin as Manoel

Meaning/translation:God is with us
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin, male:Manuel is the Spanish form of Emanuel, a variant of Immanuel
 in the Bible Immanuel is the foretold name of the coming Messias, foretold by the prophet Isaiah
Words:im = with  Hebrew
 el = God, the powerful  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:1:Emmanuel Colombia 2020,  3:Manuel Spain 2015,  4:Manuela Brazil 2021,  8:Manoel Brazil 2013,  19:Emmanouíl Greece 2020-2022,  20:Manuella Brazil official 2020,  24:Emanuele Italy 2004,  24:Emanuelly Brazil 2018,  36:Emanuel Brazil 2023,  3:Emmanuela Malta 2014
Old/original forms:Immanuel Hebrew
Name variants:Emanuela, Emanuella, Emanuelle, Emanuelly, Emmanuela, Emmanuelle, Manel, Manoela, Manola, Manuela, Manuella, Emanuel, Emanuele, Emmanouíl, Emmanuel, Imanol, Immanuel, Manel, Mano, Manoel, Manolo, Manuel, Manuele   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Manoel

Brazil prevalence 2013 8