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Name Huldrich

Origin:From Old High German words for patrimony, inherited property and rich, powerful, powerTools:

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About the name Huldrich in particular

Languages of use:German
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Huldrych, Helfrich, Ulrich     Details
Group info:

About Ulrich/Ulrike, the group of names with the same origin as Huldrich

Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin, male:old Germanic two-element name
 known from Saint Ulric, bishop of Augsburg (9th/10th century AD)
Words:uodal = the patrimony, the inherited property  Old High German
 rihhi = rich, powerful, the power, the ruler  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:16:Ulrik Norway 2022,  26:Ula Slovenia 2017,  31:Ulla Sweden 2014,  37:Ulrike Germany 2005,  44:Ulrika Sweden 2014,  48:Ulrich Germany 2005,  332:Ueli Switzerland 1997
Old/original forms:Uodalrich Old High German
Name variants:Ula, Ulla, Ulli, Ulrica, Ulrika, Ulrike, Ulrique, Huldrich, Huldrych, Ueli, Uli, Ulli, Ulric, Ulrich, Ulrico, Ulrik, Utz   Sortable list   Details