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Name Dorthe

Meaning:gift of GodTools:

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Name info:

About the name Dorthe in particular

Languages of use:Scandinavian
Is short form of:Dorete
US 2021 rank:not in the Top 1000; other popularity lists see below
Similarly written:Dörthe, Dorothe, Dörte, Berthe, Birthe, Dontae, Donte, Doortje, Dore, Dorete     Details
Group info:

About Dorotheus/Dorothea, the group of names with the same origin as Dorthe

Meaning/translation:gift of God
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, female:female form of the Latin name Dorotheus, from the Greek name Dorotheos
 known from Saint Dorothea (3rd/4th century AD)
Words:doron = the gift  Old Greek
 theos = God  Old Greek
Topics:New Testament
Variants' top ranks:3:Urte Lithuania 2009,  4:Dorothy England+Wales 1914,  5:Dorina Hungary 2005,  6:Dorthe Greenland 2011,  7:Dora Croatia 2010,  8:Doreen England+Wales 1934,  8:Darta Latvia 2018,  9:Dóra Hungary 2011,  25:Dorka Hungary 2011,  39:Teja Slovenia 2009
Somehow related to:Theodore/Theodora
Old/original forms:Dorotheos Old Greek
Name variants:Darta, Dolly, Doortje, Dora, Dóra, Dore, Doreen, Dorena, Dorete, Dorette, Dorina, Dorine, Dorit, Dorka, Dorli, Dorotea, Doroteja, Dorothe, Dorothea, Dorothee, Dorothée, Dorothy, Dorottya, Dörte, Dorthe, Dörthe, Tea, Teja, Urte, Doroteo, Dorotheus   Sortable list   Details

Popularity lists that contain the name Dorthe

Greenland prevalence 2011 6