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Name Arnd

Origin:From Old High German words for eagle and ruleTools:

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About the name Arnd in particular

Languages of use:German
Is short form of:Arnold
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Arend, Arna, Arndt, Arne, Árni, Arno     Details
Group info:

About Arnold/Arnolda, the group of names with the same origin as Arnd

Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin, male:old Germanic two-element name
 known from Saint Arnold, a musician at the court of Charlemagne
Words:arn = the eagle  Old High German
 waltan = to rule  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:9:Arne Norway 2015,  12:Noud Netherlands 2022,  22:Aarni Finland/Finnish 2022,  41:Arna Iceland 2003 to 2007,  43:Arnaud Switzerland/French 2008,  58:Arnau Spain 2006,  75:Arnold England+Wales 1914,  95:Arno Belgium 2007,  180:Ådne Norway 2010
Somehow related to:Arnel
Name variants:Arna, Arnolda, Arnolde, Arnoldina, Arnoldine, Aarni, Ådne, Anno, Arend, Arendt, Arnaldo, Arnau, Arnaud, Arnault, Arnd, Arndt, Arne, Arno, Arnold, Arnoldo, Arnolt, Arnoud, Noud   Sortable list   Details