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Language Scandinavian: Names And Words

Description:Scandinavian in general, i.e. either from Swedish, Norwegian or Danish, not further specified here because these languages are all closely related
Family/group:Germanic family
Hitparade series:Denmark, Denmark prevalence, Greenland, Greenland prevalence, Norway, Norway prevalence, Sweden, Sweden prevalence
WordLanguageTranslationsName Groups
gryScandinavianthe dawnGry
laerkeScandinavianthe lark (a bird)Laerke
liljaScandinavianthe lilyLilja
livScandinavianthe lifeLiv
lovaScandinavianthe promiseLova
lyckaScandinavianthe happiness, the luckLycka
solScandinavianthe sunSóldís, Solveig, Sölvi
sonScandinavianthe sonAnderson, Carson/Carson, Jenson/Jensen
stenScandinavianthe stone 
sverraScandinavianto spin, to swirl aboutSverre
timianScandinavianthe thymeTimian
tindraScandinavianthe sparkle, the twinkleTindra
vägScandinavianthe way, the laneSolveig
vargScandinavianthe wolfVarg
videScandinavianthe willow (a tree)Vide