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Name Sébastienne

Meaning:from SebasteTools:

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About the name Sébastienne in particular

Languages of use:French
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Sébastien     Details
Group info:

About Sebastian/Sebastina, the group of names with the same origin as Sébastienne

Meaning/translation:from Sebaste
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin, male:from the name Sebastianos derived from the name of the town Sebaste in Asia Minor
 the name of the town derives from Greek sebastos (venerable) and was named such to honor a Roman emperor
Words:sebastos = venerable  Old Greek
Topics:Geographic name
Variants' top ranks:1:Sebastián Puerto Rico 2019,  2:Sebastian Germany/West 1983,  12:Sebastião Brazil 2013,  13:Bastian Argentina 2021,  16:Bastián Chile 2007,  17:Bas Netherlands 2000,  22:Sébastien France 2011,  36:Bastien France 1998,  55:Sebestian Australia/NSW 2005,  64:Szebasztián Hungary 2002
Old/original forms:Sebastianos Old Greek, Sebastianus Latin
Name variants:Sebastiana, Sébastienne, Sebastina, Bas, Basti, Bastiaan, Bastian, Bastián, Bastiano, Bastien, Sabastian, Sebastiaan, Sebastian, Sebastián, Sebastiano, Sebastião, Sébastien, Sebestian, Sebestyén, Szebasztián, Wastl   Sortable list   Details