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Name Orell

Origin:From a Latin word for goldenTools:

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About the name Orell in particular

Languages of use:German, Swiss German
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Arel, Areli, Areli, Arely, Cordell, Cornell, Cornell, Jonell, Kjell, Kordell     Details
Group info:

About Aurel/Aurelia, the group of names with the same origin as Orell

Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin, male:from a Roman family name Aurelius
 known from the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (2nd century AD)
Words:aureus = golden  Latin
Topics:Roman family name
Variants' top ranks:28:Aurélie France 2011,  36:Aurelia Warsaw 2016,  40:Aurélien France 1997,  92:Aurelio Switzerland/German 2022,  99:Aurelie France 2002,  104:Aurel Switzerland/German 2021,  553:Arely USA 2007
Somehow related to:Aureliano/Aureliana
Old/original forms:Aurelius Latin
Name variants:Arely, Aurelia, Aurelie, Aurélie, Orélie, Aurel, Aurèle, Aurélien, Aurelio, Orell   Sortable list   Details