Group info: About Ferdinand/Fernanda, the group of names with the same origin as Ferdinanda | Meaning/translation: | maybe bold protector |
Language of origin: | Gothic |
Info about origin, male: | the Visigoth brougth this name to Spain where it became popular and the name of several rulers |
| the rulers of the house Habsburg made the name popular e.g. in Germany |
Words: | frith = the protection, the safety Gothic |
| nanth = the boldness Gothic |
Topics: | Two-element name |
Variants' top ranks: | 9:Fernanda Mexico 2009, 10:Fernando Mexico 2007, 24:Ferdinand Munich 2012, 46:Nándor Hungary 2023, 48:Ferre Belgium 2011, 81:Nand Belgium 2014, 171:Fernand Belgium 2013, 784:Hernan USA 1995 |
Old/original forms: | Fridenand Old High German, Fridunanth Gothic |
Name variants: | Ferdinanda, Ferdinande, Fernanda, Fernandine, Ferdi, Ferdinand, Ferdinando, Fernand, Fernando, Ferre, Hernan, Hernando, Nand, Nándor Sortable list Details |