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Name Canon

Meaning:canon, priestTools:

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About the name Canon in particular

Languages of use:English
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Cannon, Cason, Manon, Aaron, Aarón, Agon, Agon, Andon, Ann, Anson     Details
Group info:

About Canon, the group of names with the same origin as Canon

Meaning/translation:canon, priest
Language of origin:Old French
Info about origin:from a family name that derives from the title for certain priests
 a canon is a member of a chapter of priests serving e.g. in a cathedral
 the word has Old French and ultimatively Latin roots
Words:canun = the canon (a priest)  Old French
 canon = the rule  Latin
Topics:Family name, Job title
Variants' top ranks:503:Cannon USA 2021,  533:Kannon USA 2020
Name variants:Cannon, Canon, Kannon   Sortable list   Details