Meaning: | Not available | Tools: Add to favorites Generate: Twitter-able text SMS text Compare to: Behind the Name Search with: Wikipedia NNDB IMDb Google |
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Name info: About the name Amelía in particular | |
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Group info: About Amelia, the group of names with the same origin as Amelía | Language of origin: | Latin |
Info about origin: | propably a mix of the two names Emilia and Amalia |
Topics: | Words |
Variants' top ranks: | 1:Amelia England+Wales 2015, 1:Amelija Lithuania 2021, 3:Amelja Albania 2019, 4:Amelija Latvia 2022, 11:Amelie Munich 2022, 47:Amelía Iceland 2021, 57:Amélia Portugal 2020 |
Somehow related to: | Amalia, Emil/Emily |
Name variants: | Amelia, Amelía, Amélia, Amelie, Amélie, Amelija, Amelija, Amelita, Amelja, Amely Sortable list Details |
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Popularity: Popularity lists that contain the name Amelía | |
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