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Name Alphonse

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About the name Alphonse in particular

Languages of use:French
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Alphons     Details
Group info:

About Alfons/Alfonsa, the group of names with the same origin as Alphonse

Language of origin:Gothic
Info about origin, male:originally a Visigothic name that came to Germany from Spain
 the name changed under the influence of another name, Hildefonso, and the influence of the popular Germanic name element adal
Words:hadu = the fight, the battle  Old High German
 funs = ready  Old High German
 adal = the noble, honorable  Old High German
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:2:Afonso Portugal 2022,  3:Alfonso Portugal 2007,  7:Alonso Chile 2015,  18:Alfonsina Uruguay 2022,  98:Alfons Sweden 2007,  181:Lonnie USA 1960-1969,  466:Alonzo USA 2019
Old/original forms:Adalfuns Old High German, Hadufuns Old High German, Hildefonso Spanish
Name variants:Alfonsa, Alfonsina, Afonso, Alfons, Alfonso, Alonso, Alonzo, Alphons, Alphonse, Lonnie   Sortable list   Details