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Most Popular Names Malaysia 2013

Description:Most popular names for male newborns in Malaysia 2013
Source:Inofficial list, done by BabyCenter Malaysia, based on the names of newborns registered on their website
Following list:2014
Previous list:2012
Highest new entries:Khalish (new at 14),  Amar (new at 15),  Yusuf (new at 17),  Thaqif (new at 18),  Aidan (new at 19)
Largest rises:Aryan +12 (now at 13),  Umar +8 (now at 9),  Aqil +7 (now at 8),  Zikri +5 (now at 4),  Mikhail +5 (now at 11)
Largest falls:Iman -12 (now at 20),  Amsyar -11 (now at 24),  Irfan -6 (now at 16),  Daniel -5 (now at 10),  Aish -5 (now at 25)

Compare with list:      Sortable list
1Mohamed Graph
2Adamup 1Graph
3Ahmad    down 1Graph
4Zikriup 5Graph
5Rayyan    down 1Graph
6Danish Graph
7Haziq Graph
8Aqilup 7Graph
9Umarup 8Graph
10Daniel    down 5Graph
11Mikhailup 5Graph
12Ashraff    down 1Graph
13Aryanup 12Graph
14Khalishnew Graph
15Amarnew Graph
16Irfan    down 6Graph
17Yusufnew Graph
18Thaqifnew Graph
19Aidannew Graph
20Iman    down 12Graph
21Imrannew Graph
22Farishnew Graph
23Harris    down 1Graph
24Amsyar    down 11Graph
25Aish    down 5Graph