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Word the fame

Topics:Social life
Translations:hrod = the fame  Old English
 hruod = the fame  Old High German
 hruom = the fame  Old High German
 shimea = the fame  Hebrew
 slava = the fame, the glory, the Slav  Old Slavic

Name Groups Related to All Translations of the fame

TranslationLanguageName Groups
hrodOld EnglishRodney, Rohesia, Rowena
hruodOld High GermanRoald, Robert/Roberta, Roderick/Rodina, Roger, Roland/Rolanda, Rosalinde, Rosamunde, Roswitha, Rotraud, Rudolf
hruomOld High GermanRomilda, Romuald
slavaOld SlavicBoleslaw/Boleslawa, Borislaw, Branislav/Branislava, Bratislav/Bratislava, Desislava, Dragoslav, Jaroslav/Jaroslava, Mieczyslaw, Miloslav/Miloslava, Miroslaw/Miroslawa, Przemyslaw, Sobieslaw, Stanislaw/Stanislava, Tomislav, Vojislav/Vojislava, Wenzeslaus, Wladyslaw/Ladislava, Zdzislaw