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Name Vroni

Meaning:bringing victoryTools:

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Name info:

About the name Vroni in particular

Languages of use:German
Is diminutive of:Veronika
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Roni, Vreni, Armoni, Árni, Arohi, Aron, Áron, Eboni, Eron, Irini     Details
Group info:

About Veronica, the group of names with the same origin as Vroni

Meaning/translation:bringing victory
Language of origin:Old Greek
Info about origin:Latinized form of a Macedonian variant Beronike of the Greek name Pherenike
 known from Saint Veronica of Jerusalem, a disciple of Jesus
Words:pherein = to bear, to carry  Old Greek
 nike = the victory  Old Greek
Topics:New Testament
Variants' top ranks:6:Verónica Mexico 2008,  10:Veronika Czechia 2011,  11:Weronika Poland 2008,  14:Veronika Moscow 2013,  18:Véronique France 2011,  52:Veronica England+Wales 1944
Somehow related to:Berenike
Old/original forms:Pherenike Old Greek, Veronica Latinized
Name variants:Verona, Veronica, Verónica, Verônica, Veronika, Veronika, Véronique, Vroni, Weronika   Sortable list   Details