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Name Raffaello

Meaning:God has healedTools:

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About the name Raffaello in particular

Languages of use:Italian
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Raffaella, Raffaelo, Raffael, Raffaela, Raffaele     Details
Group info:

About Raphael/Raphaela, the group of names with the same origin as Raffaello

Meaning/translation:God has healed
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin, male:Raphael is one of the 7 archangels according to Hebrew tradition, see e.g. Book of Tobias
Words:rapha = to heal  Hebrew
 el = God, the powerful  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:2:Raphaël France 2018,  4:Raphael Austria/Vienna 2014,  7:Rafael Zurich 2017,  8:Rafaela Brazil 2010,  40:Rafal Warsaw 2010,  49:Raffaele Italy 2018,  77:Raphaëlle Paris 2020,  94:Rafaël France 2006,  99:Raphaela Austria 1999,  215:Raffael Switzerland 1997
Old/original forms:Rephael Hebrew
Name variants:Rafaela, Raffaela, Raffaella, Raphaela, Raphaella, Raphaëlle, Rafael, Rafaël, Rafal, Raffael, Raffaele, Raffaello, Raffaelo, Raphael, Raphaël   Sortable list   Details