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Name Lupe

Meaning:wolf riverTools:

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About the name Lupe in particular

Languages of use:Spanish
Is short form of:Guadalupe
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Luce, Luke, Lule, Luse     Details
Group info:

About Guadalupe/Guadalupe, the group of names with the same origin as Lupe

Meaning/translation:wolf river
Language of origin:Arabic
Info about origin, male:originally the name of a place in Spain with a famous monastery
 the place name has Arabic roots and probably means wolf river
 known from an apparition of Maria in 1531, calling herself Holy Maria of Guadalupe
 this Saint Maria of Guadalupe is the patron saint of the Americas
 the name is popular among Mexican immigrants in the US, with both women and men
Words:guada = the river  Arabic
 lupe = the wolf  Arabic
Topics:Geographic name, Interesting
Variants' top ranks:3:Guadalupe Mexico 2016,  572:Guadalupe USA 1993
Name variants:Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Lupe, Lupita   Sortable list   Details