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Name Geremia

Meaning:Yahwe upliftsTools:

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About the name Geremia in particular

Languages of use:Italian
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Jeremia, Jeremiah, Jeremias, Jeremías, Jérémie, Teresia     Details
Group info:

About Jeremiah, the group of names with the same origin as Geremia

Meaning/translation:Yahwe uplifts
Language of origin:Hebrew
Info about origin:in the Bible Jeremiah is the second of the four major prophets in the Old Testament
Words:ruwm = to uplift, to lift up  Hebrew
 yahweh = (the name of God) (name of the one God according to the Old Testament)  Hebrew
Topics:Old Testament
Variants' top ranks:14:Jere Finland/Finnish 2006,  26:Jeremy USA 1970-1979,  27:Jérémy France 1997,  39:Jerry USA 1990,  40:Jarne Belgium 2004,  41:Jeremías Argentina 2015,  47:Jeremias Argentina 2014,  51:Jeremiah USA 2011,  182:Jérémie France 2002,  540:Ermias USA 2019
Somehow related to:Jahwe
Old/original forms:Yirmeyahu Hebrew
Name variants:Ermias, Geremia, Jarmo, Jarne, Jarno, Jeramiah, Jere, Jeremia, Jeremiah, Jeremias, Jeremías, Jérémie, Jeremy, Jérémy, Jerimiah, Jerry, Jorma, Yirmiyahu   Sortable list   Details