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Name Genovefa

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About the name Genovefa in particular

Languages of use:German, Spanish
Popularity:no rank in any popularity list in this database
Similarly written:Genoveffa, Genoveva     Details
Group info:

About Genoveva, the group of names with the same origin as Genovefa

Language of origin:Germanic
Info about origin:meaning and origin not known for sure, probably a Germanic two-element name
 maybe also with the same origin as Jennifer; anyway some variants of the two names are very easy to confuse
 known from the legend of Genoveva of Brabant
 Saint Geneviève is the patron saint of Paris in France (5th century AD)
Topics:Two-element name
Variants' top ranks:155:Genevieve USA 2021,  157:Geneviève Belgium 2013,  916:Geneva USA 1993
Somehow related to:Jennifer
Name variants:Geneva, Genevieve, Geneviève, Genovefa, Genoveffa, Genoveva, Ginette   Sortable list   Details