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Name Group Guido

Info Name groups

Group info:
Language of origin:Old High German
Info about origin:Latinized form of Wido, a short form of Germanic names starting with Wid- or Wit-, like e.g. Widukind
 the first name element of these names is witu (wood)
Words:witu = the wood (in the sense of forest), the forest  Old High German
Topics:Short form
Variants' top ranks:34:Guy Belgium 2013,  61:Guido Belgium 2013
Somehow related to:Widukind
Name variants:

All variants, grouped by language of use

LanguageFemale VariantsMale Variants
German Guido
English Guy
French Guy
Dutch Gido
Italian Guido
Old High German Wido
Name variants:

4 male name variants, sorted by name and gender

NameLanguages of Use
GuidoGerman, Italian
GuyFrench, English
WidoOld High German