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Name Group Gallus

Info Name groups

Group info:
Meaning/translation:the Gaul
Language of origin:Latin
Info about origin:from a Roman family name with the meaning the Gaul
 known from Saint Gallus, an Irish monk who founded the monastery St. Gallen in Switzerland
 means also rooster in Latin, which however has probably nothing to do with the etymology of the name Gaul
Words:gallus = the Gaul (somebody from Gaul (today France))  Latin
 gallus = the rooster  Latin
Topics:Geographic name, New Testament, Roman family name
Variants' top ranks:13:Gal Slovenia 2009
Name variants:

All variants, grouped by language of use

LanguageFemale VariantsMale Variants
German Gallus
Slovenian Gal
Latin Gallus
Name variants:

3 male name variants, sorted by name and gender

NameLanguages of Use